Expanded I-601 A waiver

Expanded I-601 (A) Stateside Waiver (Please create another page under Immigration reform titled “expanded I-601(A) Stateside Waiver and create a link to Provisional waiver section ( 8 category)

 An expansion on waivers for illegal aliens currently in United States, waiving the overstay bar and allowing aliens to apply for an immigrant visa in home country.  Now it includes employment-based applications are eligible as well. 

 All person needs citizen or permanent resident spouse or parents and a Job. 

An example:

 His permanent father filed I-130 Petition for his son in 2006. He is from Mexico. He has to wait for 10 years before he can use the petition his father filed for him.   But He got a job as a welder.  His employer can file an employment petition for him. 10 years disappears because he gets into a different line. Employment petition takes about 8 months or so, he can apply this waiver because his father is a permanent resident.  Once his waiver (I-601(a) is approved, he can go out to Mexico and apply for immigrant visa and come back to USA. As soon as he comes back with an immigrant visa, he will receive his green card.  The whole process would take only a year or a year half---because he switches line from family petition to employment petition. Please take advantage of “short line in employment based petition and expanded waiver process.